
It's been a few weeks since I've posted anything. I've been so busy. Yes, I did pick up my ring and it is on my finger!!! Yes! I love it.

I worked many days in November, more on than off. (That paycheck was great!!!) I even did my first full 6th grade class for the male teacher at our school. Because he is male, he got more boys than girls in his class; rambunctious boys at that. I can tell he has a challenge on his hands. I was prepared with my discipline plan, explained at the beginning of the day and, miracles of miracles, we had an awesome day!

My discipline plan is simple. I give out three little "star cards" (a piece of cardstock with a star on it) at the beginning of the day. I tell them I will be very picky about their behavior. Any little thing (speaking out in class, telling me what to do, out of seat when inappropriate, etc.) will lose a card. If they still have 3 left at the end of the day they can have 2 treats out of my stash. These treats are small laffy taffy, bite size chocolate, dum dums, etc. If they have 1 or 2 left, they get 1 treat and zero cards get nothing. Back to the 6th grade class, I only took one star card the whole day! I almost thought the teacher wouldn't believe me when I reported we had a great day!!!

In the time I've been doing this there has only been one child lose all three cards. Luckily I subbed the same class the next day and told this child if he had all three at the end of the day he would get a bonus treat. I was shocked that he was perfect that second day and I gladly gave him 3 treats!!! I am amazed what kids will do for a little treat! This is such a blessing and makes life so much easier for me and helps me be able to teach without frustration. Anyway, enough of that.

I walked 60 miles!!!!! Yes, I did the Breast Cancer 3-Day again this year. I left for San Diego on The 20th of November. We walked the 21st, 22nd and 23rd. Again, I had a great experience and I'm already signed up for next year! On the first day we had opening ceremonies and hit the pavement around 7:30 am. We had 8 people on our team. It was a little frustrating trying to keep track of everybody and walk together. We stopped at every pit stop and it was painfully slow getting back on track. We ended up finishing the 20 miles around 5:00 pm. Too long! We ate dinner in camp and had some problems with having the cars there to take everyone back to the hotel so 4 of us sat at the curb for quite a while waiting for our ride. By the time we got back it was very late (around 8:30 pm). I was a bit grumpy (to say the least).

Aunt Terri and I decided that night that we were not going to walk as a group the next day and that the two of us would stay together and cruise. We got a good start right at 6:30 am. We walk at the same pace and know how to do our duty (eat, drink, stretch and pee) at the pit stops and get going as quickly as possible. At the beginning of the day we hit the pit stops being in the top 250's out of 5500 walkers. We ended the day at 347 and 348 of 5500 walkers and finished at 2 pm!!! We were so proud of ourselves!!!

The third day was similar where we started around 6:30 am and hit the holding area for closing ceremonies around 2 pm. There was hardly anyone there when we arrived. (We didn't find out our place, like the day before.) It was nice to relax and wait while the rest of the walkers finished. We wait at the holding area and assemble ourselves to walk through the street with fans on either side cheering us to closing ceremonies. It is the coolest feeling. I felt like an Olympic champion! Closing ceremonies were again touching and inspiring. Terri got to carry in a flag and be in the "survivor circle" on the platform. Our team was so proud of her.

My body held up pretty good through the whole thing. I got a blister on the end of a toe and one on the heel of my left foot. Neither were very painful. (Nothing to hold me back at all.) My calves were sore but nothing a couple days of relaxation didn't take care of. I got a bit of a sunburn/tan (not too bad) and a mean cold sore popped up the day I returned. I think I will be losing a toenail on the blistered toe soon. I think I need to get some bigger shoes (I already have shoes that are 1 1/2 sizes bigger than what I usually wear) because my second toe is longer than the big toe and hits the top of my shoe when I walk. I thought I took care of the problem (I lost both of those toenails last year) but I guess not.

Overall it was an awesome experience. Nothing can beat walking 60 miles along the beaches of San Diego!!!

I got home the Monday before Thanksgiving. I took a couple days to recouperate and was back to the grindstone. We went to Norma's house for Thanksgiving. She asked me to bring a couple of my famous razzleberry pie so I had to shop and prepare those on Wednesday night. I spent the weekend cleaning house and trying to catch up on laundry (I'm still working on that!) I deep cleaned my bedroom, the TV room and my bathroom. It is so nice to have that done. Eric even shampooed some stains in the carpet. I'm still trying to adjust to working and trying to keep up with everything in my life so my house has gone to pot these last few months. I don't know how working people keep up with it all. (I guess most of them don't have 5 kids!) I still have lots to do but it feels good to make some progress.

The kids are back in school after the Thanksgiving break. I worked all day yesterday and a half day today, so I guess I'm back to school too!!!

Christmas is upon us. We spent Family Home Evening last night putting up the tree and decorating. The kids are excited. Eric and I did lots of our shopping on Black Friday. (He got up early and I went later.) It looks like Santa is going to be good to us this year!

Well, that's life up to now. It seems like November flew by. We'll see what December holds.