General Conference

Wow! I really enjoyed General Conference this time. I am usually able to pick a couple talks that stand out to me but this time I felt like all of them were so good. I am really excited about the announcement of the new temples. Rome, Italy!!!! Who would've thunk? Right in the middle of Catholic headquarters! So exciting!!! It's amazing how many temples there are now compared to when I was a little girl. I think there were only about 12 then.

I love President Monson. He is such a loving, caring man. Our claim to fame is that Leonard (Eric's step-dad) cuts his hair. We've talked about stopping in at the barber shop one of these times he is supposed to be there. It hasn't happened yet. The way Leonard talks, President Monson lives up to everything they say about him. Once you are President Monson's friend, you are always his friend. Leonard enjoys his friendship.

On a side note, did you catch the "Nacho Libre" lady? I had to chuckle as she spoke with the perfect accent, "baptized", "salvation", "everyday", "duty"..... Her talk was excellent but I just
couldn't help myself... I've been hanging out with Christine (my neice) all summer. When I first saw "Nacho Libre" I thought it was really stupid. Well, Christine helps me see the humor in it. We've spent the whole summer laughing over all the funny quotes from the movie.

I wrote down quotes I loved from the talks. Here are a few:

L. Tom Perry - Be positive. "The best is yet to be." Simplify our lives to basic needs.

Elder Anderson - "You don't know everything, but you know enough".

President Uchtdorf - Despair vs. Hope. "Hope is a confidence in God, patient perseverance. In the midst of winter we find an invincible summer."

Elder Wirthlin - "Come what may and love it."

Elder Holland - "Angels are among us through our lives and trials."

President Eyring - "A great day of unity is coming."

Elaine Dalton (YW General President) - "The temple is the reason for everything we do in the church. Young Women (all of us) should point toward the temple. Be clean. The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare."

President Monson - "Find joy in the journey - NOW! If you pile up a lot of tomorrows you, you will find a lot of empty yesterdays. People around us are most important. Gratitude for our blessings goes hand in hand with finding joy."

I need to watch Sunday afternoon since I fell asleep :(. I'll add those later.