
Since Zachary had his birthday, it's time to tell about him. Zachary is a happy child. He has always had the most beautiful smile. He loves life; he really enjoys himself! He loves to help. Whenever I need something he is my "go to guy". When Eric is going to help someone move or the like, he is the first to volunteer. He loves to build stuff and work with tools. He can't stand to have an unopened package sitting around. He's gotta get his hands on it and open it. I can't tell you how many times he has fixed things, built furniture from the box and various other tasks. It makes my heart proud to have a child like this. I know we didn't teach him this, he came that way.

Zachary turned 11 years old. He is in the 5th grade. He is involved in scouts and is very excited to be a real 11 year old Scout. He was just awarded his Arrow of Light on Wednesday night. He also earned all 20 Webelos badges. His Webelos leaders work very hard and love to help the kids earn all they can. It is such a blessing to have such dedicated leaders.

He is in the drama club at the school. They meet every Friday after school. Eventually they will perform a play of some kind. They've just started so they are learning to work together, etc.

Zach has decided football is his favorite sport. I flubbed up this year and didn't get him signed up to play on a city team. We will definitely do it next year. If we don't, I'm sure he wouldn't forgive me. Everyday at school recess he plays football with his buddies. I'm not sure how good he is but he sure enjoys it.

I think that's all I have to say right now. I'm just glad Zach is part of our family. I love him lots. He makes me smile!!!