May 3, 2009
I have neglected my blog in the last couple months. There's no real reason other than it has not been a priority. It should have been but... So, I've decided to give a recap of the last couple months. So much has happened and I'm not sure how long this post will be but I will TRY to keep it short. HA HA!!!
It says that the last time I wrote was the end of January. (I really can't believe it has been that long). It is now the beginning of May. Where did the time go? Hmmm. I think I'll ponder on that for a minute....Oh, I almost forgot what I was doing.
The February calendar starts to get really busy. I had lots of sub jobs. I started my 2 1/2 week stint (February 25-March 13th) in kindergarten while the teacher went to Israel and Egypt. I had a good time with some really cute kids. I can't think of anything better than singing, learning and playing with the kindergarteners!!! There was one little boy who spent more days in the office than in class but, other than that, we had a great time.
We had some fun activities with the Young Women. We went to the local Family History Library so they could look up their ancestors. We are prepping for the Pioneer Trek and each of the participants will be walking as if they are a pioneer ancestor. (Eric and I were asked to be a Ma and Pa of a family for the trek, so we are involved too.) I have been excited about learning about the people of my past. I was really surprised that there are about 25 to 30 individuals on both Mom and Dad's sides who were pioneers. I would love to find biographies and journals and learn a bit more about them. For other activites: We had a Valentine's activity where we watched "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers". We went to the Clark Planetarium in Salt Lake. Oh...we went skiing!!! I actually tried it!!! It was fun. Unfortunately, I was the entertainment of the night. The girls had a good time laughing at Me!!!
Eric shared his "karate" talents in our Ward Talent Show. The theme was Talent through the Decades. Each auxiliary was assigned a decade. The Relief Society did an awesome rendition of "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy". The Primary "Rocked Around the Clock". The Bishopric had fun with "Surfin' USA". Eric and the High Priests did a "karate demonstration" to "Kung Fu Fighting". The Elder's Quorum had some fun break dancing moves and the Young Men did a couple of cute skits and did the "Mormon Rap". The Young Women did not perform because none of the girls were able to be there. That's okay because I did my part taking videos to post on Facebook!! (Somebody needs to be the audience, right?!)
The March calendar is even more full. Of course, I finished up my subbing job in Kindergarten. By the time that was done my house had been sorely neglected. The laundry was piled high and we were in survival mode. I am still learning to adjust to working and trying to balance everything else.
Jared and Tyler were both involved heavily in their respective plays. Jared did "Showboat" at the High School and Tyler was in "The Music Man" at the Jr. High. Both productions were great. It is so fun to see my kids on stage. They have so much personality. It's great!
Other than trying to keep up with his normal workload, Eric spent a week in Denver for an Elder Law Seminar. He is constantly studying and learning more and more about that area of the law. He has also spent lots of time preparing to take the CELA (Certified Elder Law) exam. He just took it at the end of April. There is only a 30-40 percent pass rate. (That translates to HARD test.) If he passes he will be one of three?? attorneys in the state of Utah with that distinction. He has really made a name for himself in the Senior community and continues to stay busy with new clients. I'm so proud of him. We are truly blessed, in this economy, to have a job and actually be growing in the business.
I held my spring Creative Memories Retreat in March also. We had group of about 12. It is always great to get away to scrapbook with my friends. I was able to move a lot of old product and felt really good about my weekend.
On to April, I taught for a week in Mikaela's 4th Grade class while her teacher had surgery. I really love Mrs. Carter as a teacher and a friend. The class did a really good job. Sometimes it has been hard to teach in Mikaela's class because she wants me to give her special privileges. I warned her sternly that if I had any problem I would send her to work in a 3rd grade classroom. That was the trick because she did great. She continues to improve in her reading. The teacher told me she has especially done well in Math. She was at the top of her class on an assessment she took the other day. Yeah Mikaela!
Spring Break!!!! We had spring break between April 6th through the 10th. The choirs at Layton High, Laytones, Lyrics and Lace, go on a California Tour during spring break every year. I went along as a chaperone. We had a fun-filled, packed week. We slept on the bus on the way down, went to Disneyland, Six Flags and did an exchange with John Burroughs High School. (They are amazing! They have some stuff up on YouTube that is just incredible, if you are interested in seeing what they do.) We then went down to San Diego where they performed at Sea Port Village, spent a day performing at Live Oak Elementary School in Fallbrook, had a free day to play at the beach, performed at Horton Plaza (an outdoor 4-story mall much like the Gateway in Salt Lake) and then slept on the bus on the way home. There were many late nights and early mornings. It took me about a week to recover from the lost sleep.
The return to life was an adjustment because I jumped right back into sub jobs and driving kids to their activities. Tyler has been busy auditioning for choir and the big musical at the high school. He is proudly a member of Lyrics (the all-male show choir) for next year. He will also be in "The Wedding Singer" next March. The productions at Layton High are incredible. They will rehearse and prepare starting in September.
I think I mentioned everybody but Zach and Parker. Zach has really been enjoying being part of the 11-year old Scout group. There is only two of them in the group right now. Their leaders are fun and bring donuts almost every week!!! Zach is a social butterfly who flits between friends frequently. We are a little worried about some of his choices of friends, but overall, he's doing pretty good. Poor Parker gets lost in the shuffle of everyone's activities. He spends lots of time at his friend Kaden's house. I feel bad that he's over there so much but Kaden's mom insists that they have a great time and she loves having a buddy for her kids to play with.
We are going through quite the transition with Jared. He's getting ready to graduate at the beginning of June. We have many worries with him and hope he will choose the right. I can't go into a lot of details but please pray for him and us that things will work out for the best.
I guess that's all for now. That wasn't too bad, I guess. Hopefully I will be able to be more consistent now that this is out of the way.
Feel Neglected?
Posted by Carolyn at 4:01 AM 1 comments
Celebration Time!!!! Small and Simple Things...
Today has been productive...
I'm so excited to report that I have finally completed all my laundry and put it away!!! I feel like celebrating!!! I came so close last week but it didn't take long to get away from me again. I wish it would stay this way but I know, all too well, that there will be more where that came from --- UGH!!!
I finally filed a pile of things that have been sitting here for a while. It wasn't too hard, just had to get the motivation to get it done. I've been working on getting our medical expenses for 2008 together in the last couple days. To do that I had to go through those files so I filed while I was at it. Eric will be happy to know that I completed the medical forms he has been nagging me about!!! It would be nice to get our taxes done before October this year -- I won't hold my breath!!!!
Last week I went through all my scrapbooking/card magazines and tore out ideas I want to keep. My next project will be to organize them so they will be useful.
On another note, I just got a call from Zach who is at school. He called to tell me that he got in trouble today because he was sliding down the hill. I guess he had been warned a couple times and didn't heed to the instruction. Yesterday he got in trouble because he wasn't respectful with his substitute. (He told me last night that he did a -- "da da dum" when other kids got in trouble for something.) he had to talk to the Asst. Principal. She gave him a warning, had him call me and he has to miss a recess. What a stinker!
Posted by Carolyn at 1:51 PM 2 comments
I've been tagged!
I was tagged two times in the last couple days and found the time to post them today. In the first one I was told to list 25 things about me.
1. I am a substitute teacher at the Elementary school my kids attend.
2. I am a Creative Memories Consultant.
3. I hate housework, especially laundry and toilets.
4. I love to create things....scrapbooking, cards, crafts, etc. I used to love to sew but haven't for a long time.
5. I have 5 children - Jared (18), Tyler (15), Zachary (11), Mikaela (9) and Parker (7).
6. I've been married for 19 1/2 years to Eric, who is an attorney.
7. I love working with the Young Women in my ward.
8. I love to sleep!!!
9. I love to save money when I go grocery shopping.
10. I play around (waste time) on the computer way too much.
11. I need to lose weight.
12. I've participated in the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk for the past two years and am signed up to do it again this year!!!
13. I can't believe how time flies. I still feel like a 20 year old, but....I'm NOT!
14. I'm thankful for loving friends and family.
15. I know my Savior loves me. I'm thankful for the peace this brings.
15. I love to eat out. I cook at home only because I have to feed my kids, not because I necessarily enjoy it.
16. I love to read.
17. I'm interested in people and the human experience.
18. I want to go on a cruise with my hubby this year.
19. I love to travel, to explore new places.
20. I love to laugh.
21. I've lived in California, Texas and Utah.
22. I've officially lived in Utah longer than any other place.
23. I have a bachelor's degree from BYU in Family Science.
24. When I graduated from BYU I participated in the Law School graduation ceremonies so I could walk with my hubby.
25. Life is good!
This one came through my email. I was told to add two things to each category.
Two names you go by:
1. Carolyn
2. Mom and Honey
Two things you are wearing right now:
1. Slippers
2. My 3-Day shirt
Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1. something to eat
2. motivation to go out in the cold --- BRRRRRRR!
Two people who will most likely send this back:
1. Sheri
2. Mary
Two things you did last night:
1. Went grocery shopping
2. Had Family Home Evening
Two things you ate yesterday:
1. chicken
2. corn & rice
Two people you last spoke to:
1. Lorna
2. Eric
Two things you're doing tomorrow:
1. Playing taxi driver for my kids
2. cleaning house & laundry --BORING!!!
Two states you'd like to visit:
1. Florida
2. Massachusetts
Two favorite beverages:
1. Pina Colada (virgin)
2. Stephen’s Vanilla Hot Chocolate
So....if you are reading this, you are officially tagged. Send your lists to There might be a little prize if you comply!!!!
Posted by Carolyn at 4:36 PM 0 comments
Although, I am being more consistent about posting, I haven't been able to post everyday like I would have liked. I will cut myself some slack and just do the best I can.
In the last post I promised to post pictures we had taken of the kids. We decided we needed updated pictures of the kids to go on the walls. I also decided I didn't want to worry about the hassle of school pictures because they never turn out great and there is no choice. So, these were taken instead of school pictures: Here's Tyler in his Rhapsody Show Choir outfit.
Tyler 9th Grade - 15 years old
Zachary 5th Grade - 11 years old On the day we had this picture taken we also had a visit with the doctor. Zach was diagnosed with strep and we went straight from there to this photo appointment. This picture was the best of the bunch. (He just didn't feel like smiling. I don't blame him, but what's a mom to do????)
Mikaela 4th Grade - 9 years old
Parker 1st Grade - 7 years old
Jared is waiting to get his Senior pictures taken until after his braces come off. They should come off in February or March. These were taken this summer. He took some (expensive) acting classes with a talent agency and these are his headshots.
Remember Katrina from my last post? This is classic. I just couldn't help but giggle at this photo her Mom sent the day after we had lunch. I couldn't help but comment that she at least matched her outfit!! Isn't she the cutest little thing!!! I can laugh because she's not my child...tee hee hee...I'm so evil!!!
Okay, since my last post I've been working on keeping busy and actually accomplishing something. Thursday was spent substituting the same class I had on Wednesday. They were great and things went so much more smoothly. (Wednesday was full of frustrations because the teacher forgot to leave me some stuff and didn't explain very well where to find things so I jumbled around a lot. That's probably why the kids were a bit restless too.)
Mikaela is in an after-school program where she works on a computer program to help improve her reading 3 days a week. (She just started last week.) Each day she came home with reports of great progress. I'm so pleased and hope she continues to progress. She went to this on Thursday and then to Activity Days. I, of course, was taxi-driver! The rest of the night is a blur at this point.
Mikeala has also been on a kick to earn some money. On Friday after school, she asked if there was anything she could do around the house because they can't work in the garden in the winter. What Mom is going to pass up a willing worker and a chance to get some things done? She started by shovelling off the driveway. I then had her go downstairs with me to put together some goodie bags for a Down's Syndrome Benefit Scrapbooking Crop one of my customers is putting on. (I was asked to donate a door prize and some goodie bag items along with info about my business). Mikaela worked so hard and was right next to me through the whole process. We even made some cute tags to include in the bag. So, here are two joys for that day. One, a child who is willing to work and do it happily. Two, a chance to help in my community, to give, to serve. (Of course, a fringe benefit is to promote my business, but I'm not expecting much will come of it.)
Eric and I went to Stake Temple Night on Friday night. It was a series of unfortunate events. Eric was already in Ogden so I drove by myself to meet him. I started off by spilling some soda on my skirt as I was on my way. I didn't have time to turn around to change so I dried it off as best I could and continued. When I got to where I wanted to get on the freeway, it was crazy blocked up so I continued on the streets to the next entrance. It seemed like it took forever. The drive up there was uneventful, but when I arrived at the temple the parking lot was FULL! I drove around and around trying to find a place to park. I finally followed a couple who was leaving so I could take their spot. I got there in enough time to get dressed and meet Eric. (Nothing like cutting it close!) Being there was nice. Our session was overflowing with people, as I'm sure the whole temple was. True to the luck I was having, I struggled lots with dressing. My hair comb fell out, I didn't get everything tied right, etc. At one point I was the last one standing. Ugh, how embarrassing!!! All in all, I enjoyed the night but had to laugh at my unfortunate luck!!! When we were done, we went to dinner at a favorite little Italian restaurant on 25th Street in Ogden, La Ferrovia. They have the BEST spinach calzones! Mmmmmm Yummm! JOY #3 for that day!! (Sorry I don't have any pictures today but, trust me, it's good!!!!)
Saturday was productive. We all worked on our chores. The kids participated more willingly because they wanted to play Xbox! (Hey, a Mom's gotta use every tool in the toolbox to get kids to work!!!) I worked extra hard on laundry and only have about 3 loads to finish tomorrow (Of course, there will be more so I can probably count on at least 5. Ugh....the never-ending battle). I am proud to say that I folded and put away as I went so progress is being made. Hopefully I can post a "JOY" in the next couple days that I've finally caught up! Now THAT would be a JOY!!!
I also took Mikaela to run errands with me. We got lots accomplished. (We even went to the mall so Mikaela could buy a couple Webkinz with her earned money!) While we were out I talked to Eric several times. On one call he asked what he should do if the carbon monoxide detector alarm is going off. I told him to call the fire department. Well, of course, the fire department is going to come out so we caused quite a stir in the neighborhood with everyone wondering what was going on. Everything turned out okay. They got a reading of 10 on their probes, which is pretty inconsequential. They originally thought the water heater was having problems so they shut it off and called the gas company to come check it out. When the gas man came he couldn't find a problem. He did find that our oven isn't igniting. (We'll have to have it repaired.)
In all the hubbub of our problem our next door neighbor came out to find out if we were okay. She also offered us two tickets to a play at the high school, "Around the World in 80 Shows" because her in-laws were not able to attend. I would much rather attend a play than a movie anyday so, of course, I said we would take them. This gave us one hour's notice. We were able to finish up with the gas man just in time to get ourselves to the play on time. Yeah! The show was great. The theater department at the high school is incredible. I just knew they would do a great job.
So, my joys for Saturday are:
#1 - Gettting lots accomplished
#2 - It is truly a joy to have the comforts of life, like heat and hot water. I was so happy I didn't have to have a cold shower this morning and, more importantly, that we are all safe!
#3 - Great neighbors who shared tickets to the play with us. I LOVE plays!!!
Today was busy. We have 9 am church. After church, I went visiting teaching, then to a YW presidency meeting. (We haven't met in a while and had lots to talk about so it was a 2 1/2 hour meeting!!!) I finally got home around 4:00 pm. Exhausting! I had a nap and then went to "Eight is Great!" for Parker, since he will be turning 8 this year. (His birthday is in December so he will actually be baptized in January next year.) He was so excited for this special program just for his class. He had his eye on the clock and reminded us constantly how much time we had before we needed to leave. When we got home I was a little mixed up time-wise so we read scriptures, said prayers and I sent the kids off to bed at 7:30 pm!!!! I realized my mistake later and was surprised no one said anything or complained! Tee Hee! (I should try that again!!!)
This was quite the post. I'm proud of you, if you've read this far!!!! If you haven't, well, you are not reading this..... I better go for now before you get bored!
Posted by Carolyn at 8:30 PM 0 comments
More Joys!
I have to admit it's hard to think of 3 joys a day when not much is happening in my life these days. (I guess I could count that as a joy, since you should see my calendar for November and December. Can you say BUSY?)
It was nice to have a day off on Monday to celebrate getting back to a normal schedule again. I slept in, got some things picked up around the house, watched some TV, played on the computer, mostly just took a day for myself. It helped that it snowed like crazy, and the roads were awful, that I was able to stay home as long as possible. I did have to take Tyler to an ortho appointment in the afternoon. It took me 45 minutes to go 3 miles in the car. (If I was walking that would be about right, probably slightly faster!) Tyler even commented that he could have gotten there quicker if he walked, but it was oh so cold...BRRRR...
On Tuesday I was able to go to lunch in Bountiful with a couple of good friends I met on a yahoo group a few years ago. We get together once in a while to catch up. It was still snowing and I was afraid the roads would be terrible but once I got out of my neighborhood it wasn't too bad. This is me, Sheri and Bridgette. They are sisters. I met Sheri first and then found out that Bridgette lives closer to me so I end up seeing Bridgette more often. They are scrapbooking junkies and have all the cool toys. They've been to my overnight retreats, too.
These kids belong to Bridgette and Sheri. Kyle is the baby in the carseat (he's about 4 months old and Bridgette's baby), Owen is Sheri's (he was our photographer. He did a pretty good job, I must say!), Sadie is also Sheri's and then there's Katrina who belongs to Bridgette. (This little girl is a spitfire. She is so cute, those cheeks...I could just eat her! But...she was running around the restaurant and out of our sight most of the time. As soon as she was corralled near us she would take off again. With a face like that who could get mad! Oh...she is trouble!) I was so glad I was not the mom and could just laugh at her antics!!! Hee hee!
When I got home from lunch I went downstairs to my scraproom. (It's been a while since I've been down there to work on a project! I ended up scanning and uploading our most recent family pictures to the computer. Here they are... The Barnes Family. We had a big one printed to hang over our fireplace.
Group Hug! This one would have been perfect if we could see Tyler's face better. I love Jared's expression in this one!
Eric and Carolyn Can you believe we've been married over 19 years? Unbelievable!
The kiddos!
I am so happy with the way these turned out. The photographer did a great job. I'll post the ones we had done of the kids, maybe tomorrow.
I also made some cute "Thank You" cards for my 3-Day Walk donors. (I'm slow getting these out because I was so crazy busy during the holidays.) It was so fun to get creative again. I count that as one of my joys in life. Here's a picture...
Today I had the joy of going back to work! It really is a joy! I taught a 3rd grade class and it went pretty well. We had a conversation in the teacher's lounge at lunch that all the kids seem to be wound up, which is a surprise because that was all supposed to be over after Christmas. There were times today that my kids were a little out of control but not too bad. I will teach them again tomorrow so I hope everything goes well. The school had a pretty cool assembly in the afternoon with a magician who encouraged/reminded the kids to keep reading for the school-wide goal to read over 2 million minutes this school year. I think they are about 1/2 way there. Zach was called up to the stage to be a helper. They did a trick with toilet paper (of all things), so Zachary can proudly say he ate toilet paper!!!
Well, that about catches me up to today. I'm sure I'll be back with some more, hopefully tomorrow...
Posted by Carolyn at 8:44 PM 0 comments
The last day of winter break....
Sorry I missed posting yesterday. I was busy running around all day and then fell asleep early last night. It was good too, since we now have 9 am church. It was a little weird to have the whole day left after church but it was great for a good nap!!!
My first joy for today is: This is a picture of what Layton High School will look like when they are finished with their construction (who knows when it will be done). I am including this as a joy today because it will be a joy to send Jared there tomorrow! He is in his senior year so he has just one more semester left until graduation. We hope he will choose well and get himself off on his mission in September. He is planning to go to Seattle to sell security systems this summer. He finally got a job the other day. He is working for Vector Marketing selling Cutco knives. He had his first 4 appointments yesterday and sold to 3 out of 4 of them. He is excited. I'm thinking that kind of sales is the last thing I would want to do but he seems cut out for it.
My second joy today is: This is a picture of Fairfield Jr. High. This is where I will joyfully send Tyler tomorrow. Tyler has had a great time playing the new XBox since Christmas. He's also been motivated to comply with our wishes so he can have as much time as possible on this new toy. It's a win/win for all involved. Tyler is a "teenage boy dancer" in the school musical "Music Man" being held in March. He will spend most of the days leading up to then attending after school practices. He also loves to stay after to hang out with the science teacher he is a teacher's assistant for. So, when school is in Tyler's social schedule takes over.
My third joy for today is: Can you see a pattern here? This is Layton Elementary School. This is where I will find joy in sending Zachary, Mikaela and Parker tomorrow. Yeah!
Zachary is in 5th grade with Mr. Peterson. He seems to be doing well there. Tonight he is supposed to be doing the dishes. It has taken him 45 minutes to unload the dishwasher. Looks like he will be doing dishes for another day since I told him he needed to be completely done by now. It would help if he actually focused on the task and got it done. This is the story of our lives with Zach and chores. Ugh!
Mikaela is in 4th grade with Mrs. Carter. We love Mrs. Carter! Mikaela got some new clothes yesterday. She has gone from size 7 to size 12 in the last year. I've been throwing away her small clothes as I come across them and she didn't have much left. Mikaela is the fashionista and is all about the bling. If a pair of pants has a cute sparkly belt, that's what she chooses, even though the pants may not look that great. It is so funny. She did get a cute pair of silver "heels" that she wore to church today. She said she got lots of compliments.
Parker is in 1st grade with Ms. Huillet. I've already talked lots about Parker the last few days so I won't indulge you with any more.
Layton Elementary is also the place I find joy as I work as a substitute teacher there. I have two days of work scheduled for this week but I'm sure I will be there more. I can just feel it.
So...I will find joy in getting back to a normal schedule, sending the kids to school and having a break from them for a few hours. These last couple weeks have been hard. Maybe its the weather and the fact that they don't go outside much. A good thing is that I have been able to catch up on housework, laundry and such during the break. My house is in much better shape. We also got Christmas decorations taken down yesterday. I love the feeling when all the clutter is gone. I know, bah humbug!!!
Posted by Carolyn at 7:20 PM 1 comments
Snow Joys!
It snowed today and tonight. It started as a wet rain that made lots of puddles everywhere. Of course, true to my luck, I happened to be running errands while it rained. I walked out of the Smith's grocery store, where my bank is, and got soaked on the way to the car. I then went to Wal-Mart and the only available parking spot was way out in the north forty. When I was done at Wal-Mart I was soaked to the bone (and cold). Ick! I can't explain my joy when it actually started to snow! Why do I love snow? Because it doesn't leave me wet and miserable. I can usually brush it off and all's good! Yeah!!! When all was said and done we only got a couple inches but I'm sure underneath it all is ice from all the rain. So, my joy #1 for today is SNOW!
This brings me to my next joy. I absolutely love having snow outside and being inside in the warmth of my home. A plus is sitting in front of a warm fireplace. Yum!
This has nothing to do with my other joys for today but....Oh the joy of contacts! I love being able to see. Actually, my previous glasses were stepped on and broken early in the spring and I put off going to the doctor to get new ones until the beginning of December. My driver's license expired this year on my birthday (November 1st). When I went to get it renewed I failed the eye test! I was shocked! I've never had a problem with that before, even when I wore glasses. Because of this, it became important that I not put it off any longer. I had tried contacts a few years ago with not much luck. They dried out my eyes and made me feel tired all the time. I talked to the doctor about it and he told me contacts have come a long way in the last few years and encouraged me to try them again. I love them! I'm happy to be able to see and not have to fiddle with glasses, if I don't want to. (I did get a pair of glasses so I have that option when I want.)
Tonight Eric and I went to Jason & Kristi's house and played a fun game of Rail Baron. It's been so long since we've played that game. It's also been a long time since we've played games with Jason & Kristi. When Jared and Tyler were small we played frequently but our lives changed and we just didn't do it anymore. It was nice to do it again tonight.
I hate to say this but I am actually looking forward to getting back to our regular lives. I have struggled through this Christmas break, having the kids home, feeling stuck at home because they all had things they wanted to do, mostly play Xbox! I tried to take them all to a movie the other day and the older boys didn't want to go. I was shocked. They complain we never do anything fun but then won't go when I try. Ugh! I'm actually looking forward to going back to work. (I can't believe I said that!!!)
Posted by Carolyn at 11:19 PM 0 comments