Choose JOY!

I've been a Creative Memories Consultant since January 2003. Since that time I've networked with consultants and people who love Creative Memories products through a message board called Scrapshare. There are many great people who share ideas for scrapbooking, ideas for business and, most of all, their lives. I am impressed with the kindness of these good people. They share humor and challenges, we laugh, we cry. These people have faith. There is a prayer board where people ask for prayers for challenges they are facing. It is amazing the miracles that happen daily because of the faith of all who frequent.

Why do I share this? Well, a couple years ago a girl on there posted a link to her blog. It was called "Choose JOY". I love it! It is a good reminder that each day we need to find joy, choose it. Well, I saw a challenge this week that I couldn't pass up. The challenge is to post three things each day, including pictures, of things that bring joy to our lives. It is supposed to last for a full month. Now, I'm not very good about posting daily but I'm going to make a good effort at it. Since this is the beginning of a new year, and a new month, I will start today.

Today I am thankful for the start of a new year. It is always good to have a new start. Change is good. Sometimes we don't like change but it is so good for us. So, one thing that brings me joy today is change - a new year.

Joy - there can't be more joy in children who show love. Parker has come to me several times in the last couple days to give hugs and kisses and say "I Love You, Mommy". These past few days have been hard. I've not been the best Mom, wife, etc. It brings me joy that my child continues to love me even when I'm not being the best mommy.

The third thing that brings me joy is sleep! I've been staying up way too late these last couple weeks and I have been so tired. I know, DUH!, go to sleep! I am such a night person, never been a morning person. Last night I was up 'til 3 am waiting for children to come home from their various parties. (Jared came in at 2:30 am). I think I have some insomnia too, so I really like my cozy blankets and a good sleep. It brings me joy to feel better after a good sleep.

Phew! I'm still learning all about posting pictures. Finding the right one is also a challenge. Hopefully this month I will get some good practice!!!

1 Comment:

Parade of Purses said...

I love this idea :) i want to start! THanks for everything you do your amazing!